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Final scientific report
"Reproductive and sexual health in context of human rights implementation in Kyrgyzstan"

grant #99-59116gss
The performer of the project-
Institute of equal rights and opportunities of Kyrgyzstan
Time of performance -
1st of January - 31st of December 2001


Kyrgyzstan has entered the 21st century, the century of new technologies knowledge and information, as a leading country in a Central Asian region in a pace of democratic reforms. The new epoch undoubtedly requires new approaches for the modern and effective solution of the most important problems related with personality, society and state in general.

In a short space of time it is needed to work out the new policy of social development that will correspond with modern realities and with desired goals of development.

Kyrgyzstan became the full-righted member of world community and had declared the priority of rights and freedom of action of an individual and citizen as the greatest value for the state. This was stipulated by many factors and the main one is the way of development Kyrgyzstan has chosen. This way is the way of democratic changes, development of jural, secular and social state based on principles of equality, fraternity and integration of all citizens of Kyrgyz Republic.

The characteristic feature of the coming times is the reinforcement of integral processes that are taking place in politic, economic and social life of the community. The future of Kyrgyzstan and future of each Kyrgyz citizen directly depend on state of affairs in these spheres. Alongside with this in perspective the role of social sphere grows immeasurably. The health state, education level and cultural level of an individual depend on the state of social sphere. These factors are more and more become powerful accelerator of economic growth and determinant condition for the progress of human community.

The Kyrgyz nation possesses spiritual and high intellectual potential. This invaluable wealth is the prior basis on the way of social changes. That is why it is needed to exert every effort for the preservation and further improvement of life quality. It is necessary to provide the thorough concern for peoples' health, education level and spiritual development.

There is a Kyrgyz saying: "The health is the main value".

Kyrgyzstan is experiencing great problems on the initial stage of its formation due to uneasy transitional period. And namely the health care sphere is taking the main blow of social and economic crisis, growing deterioration of the situation took place namely in this sphere. The work of health care system in spite of its vast network and comparatively easy access for the population in new conditions of budget deficit becomes insufficiently effective. This fact was reflected on demographic figures.

According to the data published in appeal of the President of Kyrgyz Republic Askar Akaev to the parliament and the people of Kyrgyzstan "The model of social sphere development in Kyrgyzstan for the 21st century ", the mechanical movement of the population - migration processes have sharply risen. In comparison with year 1990 the birth level has decreased by 16%, the general level of mortality has increased by 18,6% that caused in its turn fall in natural increase of population by 26,9%.

The Kyrgyz nation is small in number and that is why protection and care of the ethnos and improvement of the gene pool are the main tasks for the state. In Kyrgyz Republic the issues of population development are not just actual but are of top-priority and require the fastest and urgent solution
Making longstanding researches in this sphere the Institute of equal rights and opportunities has come to the conclusion that health care programs " Tuberculosis ", "Healthy nation" and others ones existing at present time in Kyrgyz Republic are not covering to the full extent one of the most important spheres of life, namely the sexual and reproductive health and issues of sexuality and reproduction rights protection. In this connection the Institute of equal rights and opportunities has worked out the activity programs in spheres of population development through the increase of population's sense of justice level in issues of sexual and reproductive rights protection.

The Institute of equal rights and opportunities took active part and became one of the initiators of the development of Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic", which was submitted for consideration through the deputy K. Baibolov in Parliament of Kyrgyz Republic. But as it usually happens only main provisions of the law-project worked out by Institute of equal rights and opportunities were included in the final version of the Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic". In this connection the Institute of equal rights and opportunities has worked out the set of measures bearing legislative character on improvement of mechanisms of implementation of adopted law.

The project "Reproductive and sexual rights in context of human rights implementation in Kyrgyzstan" submitted to the K.J. Mac-Arthur fund in 1997, in 2001 has received financial support from the fund.

In one year the Institute of equal rights and opportunities had to perform numerous tasks in correspondence with approved project:

  • To determine the level of familiarity of the population with issues of sexual and reproductive health and their rights implementation;
  • To study the specific needs of the various social classes in acceptable for each group sources of information;
  • To determine the level of state guarantees implementation effectiveness in such issues as sexual and reproductive rights protection;
  • To study and analyze the legal literature and existing educational programs on reproductive and sexual rights protection;

After making researches in this sphere the Institute of equal rights and opportunities had to work out and test the mechanisms of possible implementation and solution of the problems existing at present time in the sphere of sexual and reproductive rights. The mechanisms were:

  • The work out and publishing of popular texts on legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health intended for the certain focus groups of population of Kyrgyzstan;
  • The work out of the educational programs and technologies for the civil sector with an aim to train specialists in the sphere of sexual and reproductive rights for the propaganda of these rights among the population;
  • Publication of the informational material for the specialists;
  • Creation of the users network of Institute of equal rights and opportunities information materials on legal aspects of sexual and reproductive rights;
  • Creation of the critical mass of individuals interested in promotion of issues of sexual and reproductive health legal protection on the political level - Parliament hearing.

Actively working in this sphere the Institute of equal rights and opportunities has drawn the attention of the UN fund of population in Kyrgyzstan that is intending to use all results of the "Reproductive and sexual health in context of human rights implementation in Kyrgyzstan", the project implemented by Institute of equal rights and opportunities.

Institute of equal rights and opportunities basing on researches made with the support of K.J. Mac-Arthur fund in 2001 consider it possible to declare that the results of the made work will become the basis for the further development of these issues in Kyrgyzstan.

Analysis of the situation
Kyrgyzstan, as well as all countries of CIS, was referred to the states with repressive policy in questions of sexual behavior of population. The state policy actively regulated reproductive function of the women by prohibiting abortions, by limited access to the contraceptives and by stimulating possession of many children.

In new conditions of society democratization and acceptance of human rights conception as a state ideology there appeared an opportunity in a new way to approach the issues of sexual and reproductive health. The population of Kyrgyzstan weakly perceives common ideas of the human rights. For the post-soviet people the human right still remains as just declarative theory that is not sound practical. The conception of sexual and reproductive rights of the population is not exclusion. There are still barriers on the way of reproductive and sexual rights idea spreading in the form of cultural stereotypes of nations living on the territory of Kyrgyzstan. The other social barrier is the absence of qualitative information on legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health.

On the surge of democracy in the mass media there splashed out the dubious literature on issues of sexuality that shocked the adult generation. On the other side it broke taboo in minds of people. There existed the opportunity to openly talk about the problems of sexual and reproductive health protection and about preservation of human rights for sexuality and reproduction.

In 1994 on the International Cairo conference on the issues of population growth and development 180 countries have officially recognized the right of the men and women for sexual and reproductive right, recognizing by this that people can have Full-valued safe sexual life WITHOUT THE SENSE OF FEAR that satisfies them. The full-valued sexual life is characterized by the freedom in choosing, respect, intimacy and privacy. The security of the intimate relations is provided by contraception and prophylaxis of the venereal diseases

The reproductive health protection is determined as the combination of methods, ways and services that are contributing to the reproductive health and well being for the sake of prevention and elimination of the problems related with reproductive health.

Reproductive rights imply that people live safe sexual life that gives full satisfaction. They imply that people can reproduce themselves and are free to decide to do or not to do so, when to do and how often to do so.

It is pointed out in Beijing platform of actions (1995): "The sexual right include the right of an individual to perform the control over the issues related with his or her sexual behavior and freely make decisions on them without any compulsion, discrimination and violence". The sexual rights imply full respect of the physical inviolability of the human body and require mutual consent and readiness to take the responsibility for the consequences of sexual behavior.

The problem of satisfaction of population needs in the sphere of sexual and reproductive health is raised in all documents of UNO related with this sphere. These needs are subject to change during the life of a human and have distinctions depending on social status, age and other conditions. For instance the right for the highest accessible level of sexual and reproductive health is differently implemented for men and women.

The Kyrgyz Republic is the country the population of which in 1994 constituted 4 450 700, the annual growth of population is 1,95%. The birth level in 1994 was 24,3 people per 1000. It is expected that by 2005 the population of the country will be 6,2 millions., while by 2025 - 7,5 million people.

It is necessary to note that population of Kyrgyzstan is young: 37,7% of it is younger than 15 years, while the share of population elder than 65 years is equal to 5,3%.

The population of Kyrgyzstan has mixed ethnic structure: 57% -Kyrgyz , 18,8% - Russians, 13,5% - Uzbeks and others. The country is prevailingly agricultural, 62,8% of the total population of Kyrgyzstan is living in a rural area. The topping religion is Islam.

The official level of fertility is 2,8, although 1997 the demographic and health care researches showed 3,4.

The adolescent fertility is officially 46 per 1000. Almost quarter of the women (22,7%) in the age of 19 are mothers, 13% of the women in the age of 15 - 19 are married.

Reproductive and sexual rights, reproductive health, family planning are the basic factors for the development of population of Kyrgyzstan and for the increase of human resources quality level.

Reproductive and sexual rights have special meaning for the youth and women because namely this category of population is expected to make the greatest contribution to the social and economic development of Kyrgyzstan in new century.

The Kyrgyz republic among the first countries in CIS has adopted the Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic" that come into force in 21st of January 2000. The presence of legal basis is only the first step in solution of the problem.

The merits of the Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic" are that for first time the natural human rights were legally vested in one legislative deed. The Kyrgyz Republic among the first on the post-soviet area recognized the necessity of the legal regulation of the reproductive health issues. The law currently in force pretty sufficiently neatly and definitely regulates the issues related with reproduction system of the citizens of Kyrgyz Republic. It was suggested to use new scientific achievements for the welfare of national health. Most of the 12 rights suggested by the International federation of family planning were reflected in this law.

At the same time the Law requires improvement and additions. Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic" does not regulate and poorly affect the issues of sexual rights of citizens. That is why it will be expedient to introduce a number of additional norms providing sexual rights and health protection. As long as the given rights are natural ones the special attention should be paid to the question of constitutional binding of given rights. The mentality accumulated by centuries and also national traditions and customs cannot be avoided while solving the problems of reproductive health protection. It is necessary to coordinate national values with the Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic". It is also possible to make amendments to the state policy on providing, implementation and protection of reproductive and sexual health. For such a small number nation as Kyrgyz it is possible to more definitely determine priorities of the state policy on maternity support and reinforce measures of protection sexual and reproductive rights of the children and women.

Taking into account the shortage in information about issues of sexual and reproductive health protection it is necessary to reinforce these issues in the Law. For instance to determine the circle of institutions that could serve as the source providing qualitative and reliable information.

Elaboration and distribution of solid high-quality and reliable information on the legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health should be preceded by deep research of the needs of different population classes in such kind of information. During 2001 the Institute of equal rights and opportunities with the support of K.J. Mac-Arthur fund had carried out sociological surveys and scientific analysis of the population familiarity with sexual and reproductive rights. Basing on the knowledge of specific needs of different age groups of population the Institute has undertaken some measures that made the project successful.

During the implementation of the project grant # 99-59116-g SS "Implementation of human rights for reproductive and sexual health in Kyrgyzstan" we have received following results:

I. The determination of familiarity level of different population classes of Kyrgyz Republic with legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health.

The purpose of the sociological research - To study knowledge and attitude of various levels of the population of Kyrgyzstan toward sexual and reproductive rights in order to form new public opinion and new approaches in the solving of this problem

The goals of the research:

  • To study the knowledge of population in the sphere of sexual and reproductive rights;
  • To determine the level of possession of information about the opportunities of sexual and reproductive rights implementation in Kyrgyz Republic;
  • To determine the level of possession of information about the ways of sexual and reproductive rights protection in Kyrgyzstan.

The developers of the questionnaire:

Bakieva Gulnara, candidate of philosophical sciences, senior lecturer, sociologist
Niyaziva Anara, master of laws, senior lecturer, " Department of civil right and legal procedings " Dean assistant KRSU.
Karasaeva Altynai, doctor of medical sciences, professor, UN expert on gender policy and human rights in Central Asia, Caucasus and Turkey region.

Evaluation group:
Golov Alexander, candidate of medical sciences,. Bishkek
Kuleshova Raisa, NGO "ELDOS", Naryn.
Isaenko Katherine, volunteer, Bishkek.
Karasaev Askar, volunteer, Bishkek
Bakeeva Nurjamal, supervisor on culture, Jalal-Abad city administration.
Osmonaliev Ruslan, MGO "Green House", Karakol

The following sociological research methods were used:
Questionnaire surveys (anonymous) - collection of information with the help of the set standard questions
Essay or composition that interprets various problems in the free form and reveals personal position of the author on the given problem;
Content - analysis of the mass-media, the form of analysis of the publications in mass-media concerning given problem in a certain period of time;
Interview - the collection of information during conversation;

The sociological survey was conducted among respondents of the age group of 15 to 46 years and more, emphasizing each age group. Sociological researches were conducted in the following regions of the Country: Jalal-Abad oblast, Naryan oblast, Issyk-Kul oblast, Bishkek city. The received information was processed by SPSS program.

The field surveys provided representativeness of sampling and represented various age categories of south and north regions population. The total number of surveyed is 820 people of both sexes in the age from 15 to 46 years and more.

A diversification of the forms of the information collecting has provided an opportunity to illustrate the wide range of questions concerning the sexual and reproductive rights of the respondents. 82,9 % of the population of various age groups familiar with the problems of sexual and reproductive health, however, they had insufficiently good understanding of the legal and social aspects of the issue.

The general low level of familiarity of all age groups with legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health was revealed. Most of the surveyed simply doesn't distinguish the concepts of reproductive and sexual status of human and concept of reproductive and sexual rights.

As our surveys showed the men and women face the legal problems related with sexuality and reproduction during the whole period of life. Frequently these problems are related with the populations' lack of knowledge in the sphere of sexual and reproductive rights protection. The adolescents and students are especially vulnerable in this relation.

It is known and approved by our researches that more than a half of the adolescents and young people (54%) receives the information about sexual maturity process from the doubtful sources namely: on the streets, from inferior literature, from friends and porno-films. Only 13% of the school age adolescents received the information about the sexual maturity from teachers and only 6% from the family. At the same time 80% of the middle and senior age persons do not take the responsibility for the communication of knowledge regarding reproductive and sexual health of the youth. Most of the parents (80,4%) think that the children should receive sexual education in schools and universities. The taboo on the questions of sexuality in the family frequently leads the adolescents and young people to the thoughtless actions such as taking alcoholic drinks 10-16%, drugs 3%, run away from the family 13%, psychological shocks 6% and suicide attempts 11%.

The existing lack of qualitative information about the questions of legal regulation of reproductive and sexual health is reflected on all layers of population but has the specific meaning in all age groups. While the adolescents and students need information about their sexual rights protection (protection from harassment, unwanted pregnancy, infection and etc.) , the adults need information on implementation of their reproductive rights.

There traced the tendency of violations and infringement of the sexual and reproductive rights of the adolescents and students. The adolescents are experiencing the sexual harassments mainly from the relatives, the students from coevals and accidental people. At the same time the people of mature age are experiencing the violence and violation of the reproductive rights from the members of family. These facts include the compulsion of childbirth, abortion of the awaited child. All these facts are taking place against a background of deterioration of the women health - the growth of sexually transmitted diseases (19,4%), miscarriages (28%) and abortions (43%).

The sexual harassments and violence that take place in the youth environment are often concealed (11-70%), this causes great damage as to the physical and so to the psychical health of the individual to its harmonic maturity lowering the quality if human capital.

The facts of violence (rape, harassments, prostitution, spread of sexually transmitted diseases, , abortion) reflect on the publications of mass media(mostly in newspapers) . These publications not being a family literature have the low educational effect. The mass media in Kyrgyz Republic is giving the episodic information on issues of reproductive and sexual health and protection of sexual and reproductive rights. In most cases the attention of the readers is accented on the facts of violence and inability to bring to account the guilty persons and by this emphasizing the weaknesses of the victims and law enforcement organs. The consequence is the skeptic attitude of the population and especially young people toward state guarantees on health and reproductive rights protection.

Whereas the respondents of the elder generation still preserve the repressive type of mentality in the sphere of sexual and reproductive rights implementation, the representatives of religious cults try in all ways to regulate these issues. It would be desirable to emphasize that the national traditions, cultural solemnities and customs are the constraining factor in propagation of knowledge and growth raise of knowledge of the population about sexual and reproductive rights protection of the citizens of Kyrgyzstan.

The Kyrgyz Republic consists of two geographical regions: south and north. The South region (Osh, Jalal-Abad, Batken oblasts) are characterized by the special mentality that establishes rude standards of sexual behaviors and orients the married couple toward first of all reproductive program in the life of the human. The North region (Chui, Issyk-Kul, Naryn, Talas oblasts) differ by less rude religious and national traditions concerned with the influence of the European culture and preservation of the elements of the nomadic culture.
The sociological researches revealed regional difference in sexual and reproductive rights knowledge levels The urban population receives most of information about sexual and reproductive health from newspapers, TV, radio. The rural population from the south regions is less informed about legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health and more adhere to cultural traditions and religious dogmas.

The sociological survey of the population of Kyrgyzstan has shown that about half of the surveyed people consider that they were not able to fully implement the sexual and reproductive rights. This sad fact approves the unrevealed potential of the personality at half of adult population, and the lost opportunities of state and society development.

The results we received were compared with the results of sociologic survey made by Kyrgyz Family Planning Alliance (KFPA) in 2001. The goal of the survey made by KFPA was to study the attitude of young people toward issues of sexual and reproductive health, alcoholism and drug addiction. The age group of respondents of KFPA was between 15 and 24 years old. The results of the survey showed that in this age the 38.2% of the respondents have had sexual experience. The results received by Institute of equal rights and opportunities testify that 32.2% of the school age(15-18 years) adolescents had sexual contacts, while among students this figure is equal to 50%. According to data gathered by KFPA 58.1% of the respondents had accidental sexual contact sometimes being in alcoholic intoxication -12.3% and only 18.3% of the respondents used contraceptives in this case.

The interesting results were received by KFPA while asking the respondents about the sources of information. The young people in the age of 15-24 years old receive and prefer to receive information from friends 54.4%, mass media - 28.2% and parents 17.4%. These results cannot be compared with those received by the Institute of equal rights and opportunities. The respondents of Institute of equal rights and opportunities think that they need more information in the sphere of family interrelations that is intended for more intimate, thoughtful and trustful information. In their essays and compositions the young people surveyed by the Institute clearly define the set of problems that they wanted to be solved and questions to be answered:

  • Prevention of unwanted pregnancy
  • Protection from sexual harassment and violence
  • Methods of protection from sexually transmitted illnesses
  • The rights of the adolescents in case of abortion urgency.

First in Kyrgyzstan representative research of the population of 4 regions in the sphere of reproductive and sexual rights implementation awareness had revealed the following:
- There is a general low level familiarity of all age groups with the issues of their reproductive and sexual rights implementation in all 4 regions of the country;
- Youth and adolescents are greatly interested in issues of legal protection of reproductive and sexual health;
- All age groups point out unreliability and low level of quality of the sexual and reproductive rights information sources;
- Each age group needs specific and acceptable information;
- Most of the respondents pointed out the lack of knowledge about the mechanisms of implementation and protection of rights in the sphere of sexual and reproductive health.

II. Analysis of the state guarantees on implementation and protection of the rights of Kyrgyz Republic citizens for sexual and reproductive health

Analysis of the state guarantees on implementation and protection of the rights of Kyrgyz Republic citizens for sexual and reproductive health was held by specialists of various spheres - deputies of Parliament of Kyrgyzstan, state employees, lawyers, scientists, university lecturers, schoolteachers and law machinery employees.

The following problems were suggested for discussion:
The necessity of introduction of amendments to the Constitution of Kyrgyz Republic that would fix the rights for sexual and reproductive health of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic. Since the Constitution is the highest legal authority all other normative legal deeds that are in force on the territory of Kyrgyz Republic and passed in Parliament are to be brought in conformity with the Constitution. Sexual and reproductive rights are the inalienable, natural human rights that are entitled to the citizen from the moment of birth. If these rights are fixed in the Constitution it will improve mechanisms of their implementation..

The necessity of concordance of the ratified international conventions with internal legislation of Kyrgyz Republic. The matter in this case concerns those laws that are related with sexual and reproductive health.
Introduction of additions to the Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic", as not all rights for sexual and reproductive health are reflected in the law in force.
The economic securing of the Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic". This merits detailed consideration since the insufficient financing is one of the barriers on the way of implementation of Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic".
The necessity of work effectiveness evaluation of the Health and Education Ministries with the passed Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic".
The special consideration is required to the implementation of legal defense of sexual and reproductive rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz Republic.

The specialists have reflected their views on the problem and analysis of the conditions of implementation of Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic" in scientific articles that are included in the collected articles " Mechanisms of implementation of reproductive and sexual rights of in Kyrgyzstan ". Later on these issues were discussed on the meeting of the round table that was held on 26th of November 2001 in hotel "Dostuk".

Short summary of the specialists' opinions about state guarantees on implementation and protection of sexual and reproductive rights in Kyrgyzstan:

The problem of absence of citizens' responsibility for their reproductive health. The absence of this norm in the Law creates a situation when only the state is made responsible for reproductive health. The participants agreed in opinion that the main reason for the problems in the sphere of sexual and reproductive health and also its implementation is the internal underestimation of its solemnity by each person.

Further the idea of consideration of the given problems in context of problem complexity was suggested since according to the opinion of the participants of the round table the separation of the given problem out of "general set of problems " is giving only fragmentary vision. The absence of complexity in problem solving is one of the barriers in achieving results.

The participants of the round table had drawn a conclusion that the existing "neutral" attitude of the society toward so-called incomplete families and ceaseless growth of number of such families is the serious problem of our society. The 85% of the family children violence takes place namely in such families. Potentially the incomplete families can be the source of "unparented children".

The Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic" was passed on 20th of December 1999 however it is still not brought to conformity with ratified international legal deeds.

There was a suggestion addressed to non-governmental organizations and in particular to Institute of equal rights and opportunities to work out changes and additions to the Law in force "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic" for the further improvement and introduction of additional norms to the present legislation on protection of sexual and reproductive rights.

The problem related with the fact that two years period of force of law hasn't led to essential positive changes was considered. The participants made a conclusion that one of the reasons for this is the low information distribution among the population about the existing law and shortage of means of the state bodies to monitor its implementation. In this connection it was suggested to appeal to UNFPA in Kyrgyzstan with the request of support of non-governmental organizations with the purpose of propaganda of the given law and support of its implementation.

There raised a question of necessity of law monitoring. Taking into account the experience of the Institute of equal rights and opportunities in the sphere of researches of conditions and mechanisms of sexual and reproductive rights implementation the participants suggested to charge namely the Institute with monitoring of the present legislation.

Suggestion to conduct Parliament hearing on the implementation of the law was fully approved by all participants of the round table.

The participants of the round table raised a question about the fact that the community is not informed whether the Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic" had economic securing. In the given case the representative of Health Care Ministry evaded this question.

During discussion the participants pointed out the existence of isolated instances of citizens' attempts to protect their reproductive rights. The following mechanisms restricting this process were named:
- Mentality- the issues of sexuality are usually are not the ones to be discussed and protected on public;
- The existing private prohibitions of reproductive problems discussion in family and public. These prohibitions are strictly observed regarding women and youth;
- The repressive attitude of law machinery organs toward issues of implementation and protection of reproductive rights of Kyrgyz Republic population.

Even after passing of the Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic" there still exists a necessity of further development of sexual and reproductive rights regulation issues. perhaps it is necessary to work out and pass the following laws:
1. The Law of Kyrgyz Republic "About the status of prostitution"
2. The Law of Kyrgyz Republic "About protection from discrimination on the sexual basis "
3. The Law of Kyrgyz Republic "About protection from domestic violence "
4. The Law of Kyrgyz Republic "About protection of maternity "

The question of specific needs of youth in issues of sexual and reproductive health was also discussed at the meeting. The special attention should be paid to the necessity to provide the conditions of normal sexual life for young generation. The solemnity of the Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic" was emphasized for the protection of youth rights for sexuality.

Thus the specialists of every description made an expert analysis of state guarantees on implementation of Kyrgyzstan citizens' rights for sexual and reproductive health.

It is established that Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic" that is in force since January 2000 hasn't led to essential positive changes in society. In this connection it is recommended to take the following measures:
- To perform civil monitoring of the Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic" implementation;
- To request the highest legislative body of the country the Jogorku Kenesh to appoint parliament hearing on implementation of the Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic";
- For the enforcement of measures on protection of sexual and reproductive rights of the adolescents, youth and women it is suggested to work out additions to acting Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz republic" and to work out a set of new laws: "About protection of maternity ", "About the status of prostitution"

III. Implementation of the rights of Kyrgyzstan citizens' for information on legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health

3.1.Analysis of the popular literature published in Kyrgyzstan on legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health during 1995-2001.

During 2000 - 2001 a wide selection of literature dedicated to the sexual and reproductive health was published in Kyrgyzstan. There are 16 editions prepared by non-governmental organizations with the support of UNFPA and UNDP project.
Seven editions were published in Russian language; three in Kyrgyz and 6 editions were both in Russian and Kyrgyz languages. All editions published in the period from 1993-2000 were prepared with the support of UNFPA and UNDP project. It is necessary to note that all published literature hadn't had a focus group while the necessity of population requires vice-versa. As the researches held by Institute of equal rights and opportunities showed, the population need directed, specialized literature that can be differentiated by various age groups. The analysis of the existing literature allow to make a conclusion that all editions are oriented for hygienic aspects of the sexual and reproductive health issues, while there exists a sharp necessity in socially and legally oriented literature.

In its turn the Institute of equal rights and opportunities has prepared three "Popular texts": Popular texts for women, Popular texts for men and Popular texts for teenagers. There was a tender for the preparation of these tests that was won by the students of Law Department of Slavic University. Working out these texts the students took as a basis 12 rights worked out by IFFP (International Federation of Family Planning). Texts are structured in such a way that besides the hygienic aspects of sexual and reproductive health they include also social and legal aspects. Texts were worked out in three main directions:
Popular texts for men;
Popular texts for women;
Popular texts for teenagers.

The clear orientation of the texts give an opportunity to assume that they will be accepted by those age groups they are oriented for. Working out the texts the text-makers took into account the peculiarities of Kyrgyz nations mentality, national traditions and realities of the present time period. The special attention was paid to the preparation of Popular texts for teenagers. This kind of tests was worked out with regard for the peculiar properties of teenagers way of thinking and mentality. Detailed preparation of the tests was stipulated by the fact that the state organs have chosen the teenagers special group of protected individuals. The specificity of the texts for teenagers consists in interpretation of sexual rights. The needs of women in implementation of reproductive rights were taken into account while preparing texts for women. These popular texts were included in the book "Familiarity of the population of Kyrgyzstan with sexual and reproductive rights" and in discourse "The human rights for reproductive and sexual health in Kyrgyzstan". These texts were also published in the form of brochures and were put out on the web-site of the Institute of equal rights and opportunities.

3.2. Discussion about the rights for information distribution. The rights for specific information about legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health as the theme for discussion by specialists in various spheres.

The following problems were suggested for discussion:
- How to increase the population familiarity level with sexual and reproductive health through mass medial outlets?
- What is the role of mass media in propaganda of Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz Republic"
- What are the sources of information and level of their accessibility for the different population classes under the given economic situation?
- Should the mentality, ethics (moral principles) be taken into consideration while presenting the information about sexual rights and health?
- Is there a necessity to present information about sexual and reproductive rights through mass media?

In its introductory speech the head of the section, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Kyrgyz Republic K. Karabekov emphasized that not a single representative of mass media outlets invited for the meeting was present. This fact testifies to the lack of information distribution and underestimation of the importance of given problem not only by the population of the country but also by its most advanced part - the journalists.

Analyzing the situation in Kyrgyz Republic the chairman underlined the role of national, mental cultural and religious heritage of the nations of Kyrgyzstan in regulation of sexual behavior of people. The problem consists in opportunity to use this experience for the propaganda of rights for sexual and reproductive health. The problem is that the bearers of legal information and bearers of cultural information are different people. It is necessary to unite them and set a common goal for them and when they will understand each other they will find ways to achieve this goal.

The discussion of the problem:
Returning to the comparative analysis of the situation in the sphere of reproductive health of soviet and post-soviet periods, the participants made conclusions about the absence of necessary effective economic and social systems of rights implementation in modern society.
The special attention was paid to the current situation in the republic when the country is divided by the principle SOUTH-NORTH. Undoubtedly there exists so-called "subculture" of the city and there is direct evidence that rural area and south regions lag in the access level to information on sexual and reproductive issues.
Abrupt division of the republic into "south and north" raise the question about the creation of balanced approach toward information presentation taking into account specific peculiarities of the regions and separate social groups, replication of the information about sexual and reproductive rights of the people using the examples from folk stories and epics..
There were discussed the issues of national mentality, its affect on world-view and world-view stereotypes of the inhabitants of remote regions. The special stress in solution of these problems was laid on development of positive sides of traditional culture and on introduction of new more liberal approaches toward national traditions and customs. The emphasis was suggested to be made on coordination and barring of recoil to the feudal traditions and customs alongside with taking into consideration traditional culture of Kyrgyz nation in modern conditions. As the examples of such recoils serves the informal polygamy, the growth of family violence, bride-theft.
The influence of religion for the development of sexual and reproductive rights in Kyrgyz Republic is ambiguous. The opinions of the participants of the round table have divided. Part of the speakers considers that representatives of religion have great influence on the population and that they should be involved in propaganda of sexual and reproductive rights. The other part (including the deputy of parliament) was categorically against involving the representatives of religion in propaganda. Encouragement of religion means the threat of fundamentalism and extremism encouragement. The issues of sexuality and reproduction of the people of any religion are considered from own point of view. The religious dogmas no matter how much they are modernized always lag behind the progressive experience of the world nations. To use the help of religious authorities and moreover to replicate it through television is dangerous. The mass media should show and convince the population with the help its leaders.
It was also noted that the main source of information for the teenagers is the family, but education of children in the sphere of sexual and reproductive health should be made taking into consideration the mentality, the information should be presented taking into account all age categories (children, adolescents, students and etc.) in other words it should be specific, accessible and interesting.
Returning to the worked out by the Institute of equal rights and opportunities popular texts intended for adolescents, women and men many words were said about their importance. The texts prepared by Institute of equal rights and opportunities propagandize the basic rights of population in the sphere of sexual and reproductive health. They are adapted for the level of culture of Kyrgyzstan population and are performed taking into consideration the perception psychology of teenagers, women and men and are easy to understand and to access. The developers of the tests were suggested to reinforce their emotional attraction and to provide them with examples. Another suggestion was to translate these tests not only to Kyrgyz language but also to the languages of other nations inhabiting Kyrgyzstan. The participants of the round table noted that the work out of tests is the great step forward in propaganda of reproductive and sexual rights. Distribution of these popular texts will increase the level of familiarity of population about its sexual and reproductive rights..
The participants discussed also the question about opening of web site. The web site should contain the annotation of main results of the work made by Institute of equal rights and opportunities with the support of K.J. Mac-Arthur fund. All journalists for the creation of own programs, articles and etc, could use this information.
Discussing the role of mass media in propaganda of Law "About reproductive and rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz Republic" it was noted that at present moment the interest of mass media toward issues of legal maintenance of sexual and reproductive health is very low. It is explained by the fact that the Law as any other legal deed is pretty difficult to perceive. The persons that make decisions about publication in mass media did not realized the importance of this problem. The performers of this Law the Ministry of Health Care and Ministry of Education, Science and Culture are very passive in this respect. This is to be overcome by organization of education system for the editors-in-chief and mangers of mass media outlets.
The great interest was paid to the question about the accessibility of information in mass media for the different classes of population. It was noted that television is accessible only for urban population, printing production due to its expensiveness is accessible for the well-to-do people, Internet-cafes are just starting to develop and are concentrated in the capital city- Bishkek and regional centers. The most accessible information source is radio. However the main listeners of the radio are the pensioners. Separately the participants discussed the issue of attracting regional independent TV stations for the propaganda of sexual and reproductive rights among the population. The deputy of Parliament of Kyrgyz Republic had suggested making tax exemptions for the regional mass media outlets that would propagate sexual and reproductive rights.
There was discussion about the results of analysis of mass media publication on legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health of population of Kyrgyzstan. It was noted that coverage of these issues is held on the level of yellow press. The main theme of such publications is the scandal events and emphasis on the fact of penalty impossibility. These publications through "ricochet phenomenon" reinforce the legal nihilism of population..
There was also discussed the issue of necessary edition of legal magazine oriented for parents, adults or teenagers. But such magazine should be published not only in the magazine itself but some fragmentary episodes should be also published in newspapers and in Internet. If there exist the developers of that worked out the "popular texts" then they could edit legal magazine protecting sexual and reproductive rights.
Discussing the problem of information sources about sexual and reproductive rights the participants of the round table came to compromise: to involve all mass media outlets in propaganda of specific knowledge. The main feature is that the information has to be reliable and understandable. It is desirable that the published information will be cheap and could cover all regions of republic.

The head of the section deputy . Karabekov had summed up the results of the discussion and suggested following ways of solution:
To appeal to the UN population fund in Kyrgyzstan with the request to support the publication of "Popular tests for teenagers, men and women" on the main languages of Kyrgyz republic.
To ask the UN population fund in Kyrgyzstan hold trainings educating seminars for the mass media employees - editors in chief and managers with the purpose of attraction of the interest of main mass media outlets to the given problem.
To appeal to international funds that are Internews, Soros-Kyrgyzstan, Eurasia, Know-how and other working in Kyrgyzstan with request to announce a contest among mass media for the best video and TV topics on propaganda of sexual and reproductive rights of a human.
To make a suggestion to the Parliament, local self-government bodies about creation of preferential taxation terms for those mass media outlets that will propagate solution of problems related with sexual and reproductive health of population..

3.3. The developing and approbation of educational programs on legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health

The institute of equal rights and opportunities performing the project supported by K. J Mac-Arthur fund had worked out three levels of programs:

First level - the programs for everyone in the form of "popular texts". These texts as it was pointed out before were worked out taking into consideration all age categories. They can be used at the lessons of valeology in standard schools. .

Second level - is the training of social workers through trainings. The Institute of equal rights and opportunities worked out the structure of trainings and had tested it in the towns Balykchi, Naryn and Bishkek. The materials of trainings are summarized in the discourse "Human rights for reproductive and sexual health".

Third level - the highest one consists of special course of lectures "Implementation and protection of sexual rights of an individual". These lectures were read in Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic university at law department. We have the references and judgments of the students about these lectures. The special course of lectures can be modified in correspondence with specific character of department of any university. The third level of educational programs of universities is intended for the training of top-level specialists.

Several variants of trainings were worked out for the preparation of social workers on propaganda of legal information in the sphere of sexual and reproductive health. The trainings were held in Balykchi, Naryn and Bushkek cities. The total number of trained specialists in the sphere of legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health propaganda was 130.

Training is the system of special methods of intensive intellectual work with adult auditorium. The training is used in those cases when it is needed to instill the adult person new skills, re-teach or deepen his\her professional level of knowledge. The training is considered to be the most effective in cases when it is necessary to broke usual stereotype and give a fresh view on events and problems. In the latter case the training will be structured according to special logical schemes. However it is important to remember the main purpose of the training is to teach the adults. Namely the educational function of the training is its purpose and core. Training in our case was used as the preparatory stage for the round table.

The principles of training participants' selection:
Multi-levelness, in other words the participants have to differ from each other by age, sex, social position and profession. The participation of different cultures and ethnos representatives is desirable;
Concernment, in other words each participant has to have personal motivation for the participation in training. Most often it means meeting with interesting people, new knowledge and help in solution of own certain problem. Organizers of the discourse form the motivation.

The employees of the Institute of equal rights and opportunities have developed a session of trainings "Implementation of the human rights for reproductive and sexual health in Kyrgyzstan"

The participants of trainings were the representatives of various layers of the population: the employees of administrative organs, law-enforcement agencies, doctors and hospital nurses, journalists, school teachers, students, retirees, leaders and members of NGOs totaling 140 people.

The employees of the Equal rights and opportunities institution prepared a set of questions that allow to examine the level of initial knowledge of the training on a problem of "sexual and reproductive rights " participants before the beginning of the training. The information level of the particiapnts was evaluated before the training and after it. The evaluation was carried out laying on gradations levels: "I don't know", "satisfactory knowledge", "full knowledge".

The analysis of the questionnaire survey of the participants of the trainings showed low level of conceptions "Sexual health", "Sexual and reproductive health". Before the training 70% of the participants couldn't point out which institutions(state, public or private) support implementation of sexual and reproductive rights in Kyrgyzstan. 60% of the participants didn't know about methods of protection of own sexual and reproductive rights.

The held trainings increased the participants' level of knowledge on issues of sexual and reproductive rights in average by 52,4%.

The training sessions within the framework of "Implementation of human rights for reproductive and sexual rights in Kyrgyz republic" were held in several regions of Kyrgyz Republic. The table #1 contains the information about the participants of the training.
Table #1
The list of the training participants

The place of the training / participants The number of people

Balykchi town 38
State employees - 26
NGOs representatives - 12
Men - 6, Women - 32

Naryn town 25
State employees - 6
NGOs representatives - 13
Students - 3
The pupils - 2
Workers - 1
Men - 6, Women - 19

Bishkek city State workers 33
Doctors and medical nurses of maternity hospitals - 11
Teachers - 20
The representatives of city Health Center - 1
Journalists - 1
Men- 1, Women- 32

Bishkek city students 30
Boys - 20
Girls - 10

According to the evaluations of the training participants the most difficult questions were the ones on the theme of "right for sexual and reproductive health" and also mechanisms of rights implementation in Kyrgyzstan.

The special course of lectures
The Institute of equal rights and opportunities together with UNESCO department of "Constitutional Law and gender policy" of Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University for the first time had worked out special course of lectures on legal aspects of human sexuality and reproduction.

Suggested special course of lectures "Implementation and protection of reproductive and sexual rights of a human " contains in general themes designed for 26 lecture hours and 13 hours of seminar trainings.

The course of lectures include integrated and classified modern achievements in the sphere of human sexuality and reproduction, attained by molecular and population biology, genetics, psychology and medicine. During the course the participants trace the evolution of reproduction features starting from simple division to sexual reproduction and reflection of this feature of living matter in biological, social and spiritual needs of a human. There shown the differences between sexuality and reproduction of a human. The special attention is paid to the mechanisms of human sexual behavior regulations - cultural traditions (taking the nations of Central Asia as examples), religious dogmas and legal, legislative mechanisms.

The themes of special course of lectures:
The subject of normal sexology. Sexual determinism in ontogenesis.
The triad "genes - hormones - brain" in sexual differentiation of a human. The main forms of sexual life of a human.
Sexuality of a human. Sexual health.
Reproduction of a human. Reproductive health.
The right for sexual and reproductive health. Legal apect.
Sexual deviations.

The special course is designed in such a way that the main material can be adapted to basic education of the listeners - medicine, pedagogy and etc..

Special course of lectures "Implementation and protection of reproductive and sexual rights of human" is supplemented with seminar trainings. The latter can be exchanged by session of trainings or paper writing.

The experience of teaching of the special course for the senior students of Law department in Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University showed high effectiveness of such approach. Three students offered to prepare popular texts with an explanation of sexual and reproductive rights for various categories of population.

The Issyk-Kul state university named after K. Tynstanov positively responded for the suggestion to deliver a special course of lectures "Implementation and protection of reproductive and sexual rights of human". The adapted variant of special course was delivered for the students of Institute of tourism and ecology.

The listeners of the special course of lectures and participants of the training session were given the certificates of the Institute of equal rights and opportunities and UNESCO department of "Constitutional law and gender policy" .

3.4. The discussion of standard educational programs on legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health by the education specialists. The teaching stuff of Law departments, universities, teachers and lecturers of medical schools and colleges, teachers of the schools were invited for the discussion.

The questions for discussion:
Are there school or university programs on issues of sexual and reproductive rights approved by the Ministry of education, science and culture?
What is the effectiveness of existing school author's mini-programs on sexual and reproductive health?
Is there a program of training of stuff for school and university programs on issues of sexual and reproductive rights?
How are the social workers trained in the sphere of sexual and reproductive rights propaganda?

The discussion of the problem:
In their speeches the school teachers emphasized that authors' programs are composed by them on their own out of "material at hand", accessible literature. But even in such cases there exist problems: nobody can evaluate the quality if these programs since the programs are not included in state standard and are not financed. On the other side even these small lessons cause ambiguous reaction from parents side. Part of the parents thinks that such lessons are useful for children. The other part considers that such lessons deprave their children. The children themselves are really interested in receiving the knowledge.

The school and university teachers think that neither Ministry of Education Culture nor Ministry of Health had done anything for the development of educational programs on sexual training. It is worthwhile to create with the support of two Ministries the coordination center that would prepare educational programs in the sphere of sexual and reproductive rights. This center could also undertake the functions of certification and qualification of the school and university teachers that would work in this sphere.

There was also discussed a question of using the experience of institute of equal rights and opportunities in interactive training of social workers. The social worker are the doctors and medical nurses working in the Health center, in Centers of family planning, in Centers of family and matrimony and in any other medical institution rendering services in the sphere of sexual and reproductive health. The social workers are the teachers, and law machinery employees, NGO employees and others. The Institute worked out trainings and according to the references such method of education is of high effectiveness. The Institute was recommended to publish the textbook for the social workers on the theme of sexual and reproductive rights propaganda. Part of the participants considers that it is necessary to replicate the process of training in the form of video films and distribute them among the social workers.

As the participants of the round table pointed out; the special course of lectures is first of all intended for the senior age students of Law departments. However these lectures can be adapted for a university of any profile. It is desirable to publish the texts of lectures in Kyrgyz language.

The participants of the round table noted that thanks to the support of K.J Mac-Arthur's fund for the first time in Kyrgyzstan there was formed a harmonious system of educational programs divided into three levels. Thanks to this fact there occurs the opportunity to test these programs through the network of social workers and universities of the republic. The participants of the round table appealed to the representatives of Parliament of the republic with a request to support the inclusion of these programs to the system of school and university education. The representatives of Parliament gave their consent and pointed out that the easiest way to achieve this is to organize parliament hearings.

The participants of the discussion were suggested the following ways of problem solution:
1. To suggest the parliament of the Republic to hold parliament hearing about the implementation of the Law about reproductive rights of the citizens of Kyrgyz Republic. To include in the parliament hearing the problem of development of state program on sexual education and legal coverage in the sphere of sexual and reproductive rights protection in schools and universities of the Republic
2. To create coordination center on scientific research and introduction of educational programs. To entrust the center with a task of monitoring of educational programs and increase of qualification of the individuals working in this sphere. The same center had to work out the mechanisms of cooperation of educational and law machinery institutions with civil sector.
3. To suggest the interested persons or companies to organize legal clinics with rendering legal support at protecting rights in the sphere of sexual and reproductive rights.

3.5. Organization of the network of legal and physical entities that are users and distributors of information on legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health.

The Institute of equal rights and opportunities has worked out the form of social agreement between the Institute and potential partner, the user of legal information on sexual and reproductive health.

According to the social agreement the Institute of equal rights and opportunities undertake to:
Work out and conduct the session of trainings on the theme of "Implementation of human rights for reproductive and sexual health in Kyrgyzstan" ;
Distribute the hand-out material to the participants of the training in Kyrgyz and Russian languages;
Work out and organize the electronic distribution the text-book for the trainings on the theme of "Implementation of human rights for reproductive and sexual health in Kyrgyzstan" ;
Provide the participants of the Partnership agreement with necessary scientific and methodic literature during the whole term of agreement;
Conduct the monitoring of the activities of Partnership agreement participants;
Involve the participants of the agreement in the programs of the Institute of equal rights and opportunities on the above-mentioned theme.

In its turn the partner undertakes to:
Distribute the knowledge and materials received on the training in its organization and submit a protocol about it.
Distribute received knowledge in 5-6 exterior organizations (schools, universities, condominiums, NGOs and etc.) through seminars, round tables, participation in disputes with general participation of 150-200 people with protocol presentation.
Present reports to the Institute of equal rights and opportunities about performed work during the term of agreement.

Social agreements about partnership on information distribution among the population were made both with governmental and non-governmental organizations. The information to be distributed is related with rights of the population for sexual and reproductive health.

During the implementation of the project "Reproductive and sexual health in the context of human rights implementation in Kyrgyzstan" the Institute of equal rights and opportunities has created the network of enterprises and individuals who are the users of information about legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health. 52 agreements of partnership were made. The members of network will exchange the experience on distribution of legal information among the population at the same time studying the needs of population and timely reacting on them.

The general conclusions on chapter 3
Thus the analysis of informational maintenance of the citizens of Kyrgyz Republic on legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health showed that:
The rights of the citizens for information on legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health are not satisfied to the full extent;

The Institute of equal rights and opportunities prepared three popular texts for teenagers, men and women focus groups. The texts contain the interpretation of 12 rights for sexuality and reproduction; the texts have clear orientation and are adapted to ethnic culture. The texts are recommended for broad distribution among the population of Kyrgyzstan;

The suggestions to improve the sexual and reproductive health protection information level of population through mass media is recommended to bring in for hearing on Parliament of the country for the discussion;

The worked out by Institute of equal rights and opportunities educational programs are recommended for broad distribution. The programs train social workers on propaganda of sexual and reproductive health protection;

The special course of lectures worked out by the Institute of equal rights and opportunities "Implementation and protection of reproductive and sexual rights of human" is to be considered as innovative approach and to be recommended for inclusion into educational programs of universities;

To welcome the initiative of Institute of equal rights and opportunities on creation of real mechanisms of information distribution, opening of the web site, creation of the constantly operating network of information users in Kyrgyzstan and preparation of the videotopics for "Door" program.


According to the agreement made by K. J. Mac-Arthur Fund and Institute of equal rights and opportunities on 6th of December 1999, K. J. Mac-Arthur Fund had given the Institute of Equal rights and opportunities grant 99-59116-gss for the implementation of project "Reproductive and sexual health within the context of human rights in Kyrgyzstan

The purpose of the project:
To study knowledge and attitude of various levels of the population of Kyrgyzstan toward sexual and reproductive rights in order to form new public opinion and new approaches in the solving of this problem.

In its turn the goals of the project were:
- To study the motivation and value reference points on protection of own sexual and reproductive health of citizens of Kyrgyzstan;
- To reveal the social and economic, cultural, religious and other factors, barriers or refusal from implementation of own rights in the sphere of sexual and reproductive health;
- To study the needs of various levels of population in the sphere of sexual and reproductive health protection;
- To work out the system of measures on implementation of reproductive and sexual health of population;
- To prepare informational materials on sexual and reproductive rights oriented for various social groups of population (in three languages);
- To conduct training of NGO leaders representing the interests of various categories of citizens, and also heads of independent mass media;
- To conduct a round table meeting on the results of the project with invitation of mass media and specialists.

In order to reach tasks and goals the Institute of equal rights and opportunities had conducted work in three main directions:
To study the knowledge of the population in the sphere of sexual and reproductive rights;
To make analysis of the state guarantees for implementation and protection of sexual and reproductive rights of Kyrgyz Republic citizens;
To determine the problems of rights implementation for information about legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health of the Kyrgyz Republic citizens.

All results received by the Institute of equal rights and opportunities during the implementation of the project were systematized and published in the following editions:

- "Familiarity of the population of Kyrgyzstan with sexual and reproductive rights" - The work contains the material of sociologic researches on revealing of familiarity level of various age groups (15-65 years) of Kyrgyzstan with sexual and reproductive rights. The book is intended for the developers of educational programs, specialists that work with the issues of reproductive and sexual rights protection, family planning services and also for broad circle of readers.
- Discourse "The rights of a human for the sexual and reproductive health" - the discourse contains the description of integrated method of adults' education through training and techniques of round table conducting for the work out of suggestions and recommendations on the given problem. The discourse also contains materials of trainings in the form of schemes and pictures made by participants of training. The book is intended for youth, students, state employees and people working in the sphere of medical service, education and law machinery employees whose work is related with legal aspects of sexual behavior, sexual and reproductive health.
- "The mechanisms of human reproductive and sexual rights implementation in Kyrgyzstan" - The collection of articles considers the issues of reproductive and sexual rights of various age and society group individuals. The book discusses the mechanisms of implementation and protection of these rights in conditions of Kyrgyzstan. There is information about development of reproductive and sexual rights from the point of view of Islam religion, about cultural stereotypes and theories of population development.

Besides the published works the Institute of equal rights and opportunities had developed three- level educational program on issues of sexual and reproductive health and rights:

First level - the programs for everyone in the form of "popular texts". These texts as it was pointed out before were worked out taking into consideratio9n all age categories. They can be used at the lessons of valeology in standard schools. .

Second level - is the training of social workers through trainings. The Institute of equal rights and opportunities worked out the structure of trainings and had tested it in the towns Balykchi, Naryn and Bishkek. The materials of trainings are summarized in the discourse "Human rights for reproductive and sexual health".

Third level - the highest one consist of special course of lectures "Implementation and protection of sexual rights of an individual". These lectures were read in Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic university at law department. We have the references and judgments of the students about these lectures. The special course of lectures can be modified in correspondence with specific character of department of any university. The modified course of lectures was developed in Issyk-Kul University named after K.Tynstanov. The third level of educational programs of universities is intended for the training of top-level specialists.
Taking into account the fact that during the long period of time the population of Kyrgyzstan experienced propagation and influence of repressive way of thinking in questions of sexual and reproductive health and rights, the Institute of equal rights and opportunities has made a break-through in this sphere. All above-mentioned programs are oriented for certain focus groups and in the long run it allows expecting the high effectiveness of the worked out programs.

Alongside with the given programs the Institute of equal rights and opportunities has developed practical mechanisms of increasing familiarity level of the Kyrgyz republic citizens with issues of sexual and reproductive rights and health.

The web site created by Institute of equal rights and opportunities allows to easily access the information on issues of sexual and reproductive rights and health for the teenagers and youth.

The developed popular texts oriented for men, women and teenagers allow covering circle of people who due to various factors do not have access to Internet. The network of users created by Institute of equal rights and opportunities on the basis of social agreements will allow to involve the wide circle of both governmental and non- governmental organizations in solution and promotion of citizens' sexual and reproductive rights problems. It will allow the participants of the network to have a broad access to all materials prepared by Institute of equal rights and opportunities in the sphere of sexual and reproductive rights. In its turn these organizations are responsible for the implementation of necessary measures and programs on issues of sexual and reproductive rights and health among the population.

Institute of equal rights and opportunities with the purpose of presentation of the results of the project "Reproductive and sexual rights in the context of human rights implementation in Kyrgyzstan" and in order to work out the decisions on following development of the project in 2002 had organized and conducted the meeting of round table which took place in on 26th of November 2001 in the hotel "Dostuk". It is necessary to note that conducted round table was the meeting in Kyrgyz republic with public discussion of issues of sexual and reproductive rights and health

The participants of the meeting were: the representatives of Parliament of Kyrgyz Republic, representatives of judicial corps, public Prosecutors, specialists (teachers, psychologists, sociologists) and representatives of youth and students (40 people), teaching stuff of the universities, school teachers, family planning social services, Centers of health, non-governmental organizations. The UN population fund had not only sent its representatives but also had financially supported the meeting. (see appendix #5, the list of participants of the round table)

The general decision of the round table

For the first time in Kyrgyzstan there was organized the public discussion of legal aspects of population's sexual and reproductive rights and health. The questions raised at the meeting caused great interest of the participants of the round table meeting. It was also noted with concern that invited representatives of Ministry of education, science and culture and also the representative of Ministry of Health and leading journalist did not participate in the meeting.

The following decisions were discussed and made:
Institutional securing of the sexual and reproductive health implementation
Informational maintenance of the population about sexual and reproductive health.
The problems of education in the sphere of sexual and reproductive rights.

The participants of the round table expressed their gratitude to the deputy of Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Kyrgyz Republic K.Karabekov for his concern and consent to support the initialization of the parliament hearing on implementation of the Law of Kyrgyz Republic "About reproductive rights of the citizens". The participants of the meeting came to the conclusion that parliament hearing is the effective mechanism of implementation of the given law.

From its part the Institute of equal rights and opportunities and other organizations dealing with issues of sexual and reproductive health took the responsibility to monitor the given law by forces of civil sector.

The participants of the round table expressed their gratitude to the K.J Mac-Arthur Fund that provided the conduction of researches in the sphere of sexual and reproductive rights and health of population of Kyrgyzstan.

Deep gratitude was expressed to the UN population fund in Kyrgyzstan for the support in conduction of round table meeting and desire to use the results of the activities of Institute of equal rights and opportunities on the project "Reproductive and sexual health within the context of human rights in Kyrgyzstan" for the propaganda of Law of Kyrgyz Republic "About reproductive rights of the citizens" among the population.

The special gratitude was expressed to Institute of equal rights and opportunities for the invaluable contribution in promotion and further theoretical development of the sexual and reproductive rights, and also search of the mechanisms of solution of these problems in Kyrgyz Republic.

The president of Institute of
equal rights and opportunities, professor Altynai Karasaeva

Bishkek 30 December 2001

Appendix #1
"Attention: AISD", "Abortion", "Contraception", the works prepared by Association of obstetrician-gynecologist of Kyrgyz Republic with the support of UNFPA. The editions were published on Russian and Kyrgyz languages in 1998.
"Love without fear" - the edition published in 1998 in Kyrgyz language and prepared by Bishkek city korkunuusuz sex with the support of UNFPA. The edition is dedicated to the sexually transmitted illnesses..
"Don't worry! Hormonal contraception. The questions and answers" - the edition prepared by Russian Association of Family Planning and dedicated to the modern methods of contraception. The edition was published in 1994 in Russian language.
"The application of various methods of contraception after abortion" - developed by the consultation service Matrimony and Family in 1997. The edition was published in Russian language and is dedicated to the methods of contraception.
"Love without risk" - the edition developed by "AIDS" association and Ministry of Health of Kyrgyz Republic in 1998 with the support UNFPA. The edition was published in Kyrgyz and Russian languages and is dedicated to the problems of safe sex and sexually transmitted illnesses.
"Intimate illnesses", "For you women! How to preserve your health" - the edition developed by "AIDS" association and Ministry of Health of Kyrgyz Republic in Kyrgyz and Russian languages and is dedicated to the sexually transmitted illnesses AIDS, HIV, syphilis and others. The editions were developed in 1998-2000 with support of UNFPA.
"The youth is wonderful - let's not depend on fortuitousness", the edition developed by Association "Family and healthy generation". The edition is describing the contraceptive methods and was published in Russian language with support of UNFPA.
"Protect yourself from AIDS", the edition developed with the support of UNDP project and is dedicated to the problems of AIDS. The edition was published in Kyrgyz and Russian languages with the support of UNFPA.
"Sex and health. The hand-book for women" - 1993. The edition is dedicated of the problems of information distribution and was developed by International center for health care improvement. It was published in Russian language with the support of UNFPA.
"AIDS: much depends on men" - was developed by "AIDS" association and Ministry of Health of Kyrgyz Republic and tells about the prophylaxis of infection diseases and AIDS problem. The edition was published in Russian language in 2000 with the support of UNFPA.
"Prophylaxis of toxic and drug substances used by teenagers in educational institutions"- the edition published by Ministry of Health of Kyrgyz republic and development program of UNO in 2000. The edition is dedicated to the prophylaxis of usage of psychoactive substances among the teenagers, was published in Kyrgyz and Russian languages with the support of UNFPA.
"Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The bibliographic bulletin", Informational bulletin "Pulse" - the editions developed by UN development program and UNO AIDS program published in 1997-2000. The editions are dedicated to the problems of AIDS, sexually transmitted illnesses and also to the sources of literature about problems of HIV, AIDS and sexually transmitted illnesses. The editions were published in Russian language with support of UNFPA.

Appendix #2
Training #1. The right for reproductive and sexual health.
Purpose: To broaden the knowledge of the participants about the reproductive and sexual; rights of a human.
1. To work out the conception of "human rights" "human health" "reproductive and sexual health".
2. To define what is the "healthy way of life" and what are its main parts.
To give an understanding about harmful habits that lowers the quality of sexual and reproductive health.
3. To expose the content of reproductive and sexual rights.
The rights of an individual for the reproductive and sexual health in various age periods.

The time schedule of the day
09.00-09.20 Registration of the participants and filling out of the questionnaires.
09.20-09.30 Presentation of the program and its participants.
09.30-09.40 The expectations of the participants, the agenda of the day.
09.40-10.40 Main conceptions.
10.40-11.00 Healthy way of life.
11.00-11.20 Coffee break.
11.20-12.00 The criteria of health.
12.00-13.00 Harmful habits.
13.00-13.40 Lunch.
13.40-14.20 Sexual rights.
14.20-15.40 Reproductive rights.
15.40-16.00 Discussion.
16.00-1620 The evaluation of the day.
The hand out material
1. Glossary.
2. The Constitution of Kyrgyz Republic
3. The Law of Kyrgyz Republic about reproductive rights of the citizens.
4. The Law of Kyrgyz Republic about reproductive and sexual health.
5. 12 rights for reproductive health.
6 Methods of contraception

Training #2 Mechanisms of human rights implementation for reproductive and sexual health in Kyrgyzstan.

Purpose: To extend the knowledge of the participants about the mechanisms of human rights for reproductive and sexual health implementation and the methods of protection of these rights in Kyrgyzstan.

The goals:
1. In what ways to regulate reproductive and sexual behavior of people.
2. To determine through which legislative norms are the reproductive and sexual rights of Kyrgyzstan's citizens implemented?
3. How is the knowledge about sexual and reproductive rights in Kyrgyzstan propagandized?
4. What services (state, private, public) render help and support in implementation of reproductive and sexual rights of a human?
5. How to protect the right for reproductive and sexual health in Kyrgyzstan.

The time schedule of the day
09.00- 09.20. Reports of the respondents
09.20-10.20 Reproductive behavior.
10.20-11.00 Legislative regulation of reproductive and sexual behavior.
11.00-11.20 Coffee break
11.20-12.00 The propaganda of the knowledge.
12.00-13.00 The reproductive health services.
13.00-13.40 Lunch.
13.40-14.20 Mechanisms of rights protection
14.20-15.00 The protection of rights for reproductive and sexual health in family.
15.00-15.40 Discussion.
15.40-16.00 Final evaluation.

Final results:
The formation of a critical mass of specialists out of state employees for the formation of policy on development of reproductive and sexual health in Kyrgyz Republic.
The preparation of the textbook for conduction of trainings on actual issues of development of reproductive and sexual health in Kyrgyzstan.

Appendix # 3
"Can you give a definition of the concepts "human health" and "health of the nation ""
Before the training After the training
28.0% 0.0%
I posses satisfactory knowledge 56.0% 20.0%
I posses full knowledge 16.0% 80.0%

Do you know the features of the human health?
Before the training After the training
I don't know 12.0% 0.0%
I posses satisfactory knowledge 52.0% 8.0%
I posses full knowledge 36.0% 92.0%

What does the concept of healthy way of life include?
Before the training After the training
I don't know 16.0% 8.0%
I posses satisfactory knowledge 48.0% 8.0%
I posses full knowledge 36.0% 84.0%

Do you know any cultural customs and traditions of your nation that are intended to support the human health?
Before the training After the training
I don't know 8.0% 0.0%
I posses satisfactory knowledge 56.0% 20.0%
I posses full knowledge 36.0% 80.0%

Do you know what is a reproductive and sexual health and what is the difference between them?
After the training
I don't know 28.0% 0.0%
I posses satisfactory knowledge 48.0% 20.0%
I posses full knowledge 24.0% 80.0%

Do you know about your sexual and reproductive rights?
Before the training After the training
I don't know 24.0% 0.0%
I posses satisfactory knowledge 36.0% 8.0%
I posses full knowledge 40.0% 92.0%

What is the family planning?
Before the training After the training
I don't know 12,0% 0,0%
I posses satisfactory knowledge 40,0% 0,0%
I posses full knowledge 48,0% 100%

Do you know about the state, public or private institutions that helps to implement your sexual and reproductive rights?
Before the training After the training
I don't know 52,0% 4,0%
I posses satisfactory knowledge 28,0% 28,0%
I posses full knowledge 20,0% 68,0%

Do you know how to protect your sexual and reproductive rights?
Before the training After the training
I don't know 32,0% 0,0%
I posses satisfactory knowledge 28,0% 12,0%
I posses full knowledge 40,0% 88,0%

Appendix # 4
Comments on trainings held in Balykchi town -
- "The training was very interesting and competent";
- "The training was held on the highest level with deep knowledge of the business";
- "Many useful things for delivering of the received information to the youth ";
- "The training is easy-to-access and useful";
- "The training of a highest quality";
- "Please organize the network among all interested persons for the distribution of information ".
Comments on trainings held in Naryn town -
- "Wonderful conducting of the training, non-typical methods, the experience of the trainer, remarkable knowledge level ",
- "My opinion about the training - of highest quality",
- "Very useful for further distribution at the workplace",
- "Thank you very much!"
- "The training was very useful and interesting! There was so much information"
Comments on trainings held in Bishkek city -
- "For the first time I saw such a detailed development of 12 rights for sexual and reproductive health";
- "Filling out the controlling questionnaire I marked out 70% what answering the question about how much do I know. However it turned out that I did not know anything, thank you for the chance to participate in such training ";
- "The new non-standard methods of training conduction were applied, it was really interesting ";
- "For the first time I received great store of knowledge on such a professional level";
- "The training was conducted wonderfully well, I learned a great deal about the things I did not expect to learn. Thank you";
Comments of the students on trainings held in Bishkek city -
- training is the good cognitive game in which you can express your opinion and listen to others;
- I did not know that our legislation is oriented mainly at reproductive rights of citizens;
- Very important theme, it is necessary to distribute the knowledge about rights for sexual and reproductive health;
- I think that trainings are necessary because you obtain many interesting things during the game process, the time flies insensibly and you can creatively express your opinion and thoughts;
- I see the imperfections in the legislative regulation of the citizens' rights for sexuality;
- It occurs to me that stimulation of human sexuality is more profitable for the state because it gives an opportunity to regulate prostitution;
- I have never thought that children sexuality plays such a great role in determining the future sexual orientation of an adult person, and sexual behavior;
- The existing information on sexuality and reproduction contains common idle talks that is harmful for the society.

Recommendations, wishes, future expectations -
- "I hope there will be more interesting trainings with your participation, I wish You only success in your life ",
- "We would be very glad if you conduct trainings on the theme of issue of rights implementation and etc.",
- "I wish You prosperity, success in your work more new ideas, law-projects. Hope for future cooperation",
- "I wish more of such trainings, I wish You success Altynai!".
- I wish there would be more of such trainings with application of interactive methods of education, it is not only interesting but cognitive as well;
- Very likely that now I will be able to prepare high quality information on legal aspects sexuality for men;
- With a surprise I learned that reproduction is just a part of sexuality;
- I want to deeper go in for the legal aspects of sexual and reproductive health and want to national expert;
- Thanks for the knowledge!

Copyright 2001-2002, Institute of
Equal Rights and Opportunities. Kyrgyzstan


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