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The list of educational-methodic and scientific-research publications of the Institute of equal rights and opportunities in Kyrgyzstan and UNESCO department "Constitutional rights and gender policy"

1. Karasaeva A.H. - "The rights of the women" the session of trainings, Bishkek, 2000, pages - 112
The work represents methodical manual for the trainers. It contains description of complex methods and techniques of gender sensibility instillation. The trainings are intended for the familiarization with basic conceptions of human rights and mechanisms of rights protection on local, national and international level. Special attention is paid to the review of barriers on the way of implementation of women's rights. There shown the experience of the School of political leadership students.
The book is intended for professor-teaching stuff of universities, state officials, political party and NGO leaders and also will be useful for all people interested in gender policy.

2. Karasaeva A.H. "The legislative regulating of the equality between men and women in some spheres of activity ", educational manual, Bishkek, 2000, pages - 72
Given edition contains set of legislative mechanisms regulating relations between men and women for the achievement of gender equality in all spheres of activities
Most of the presented in this edition laws are innovative and in their essence can serve as the examples for other countries. Undoubtedly students can use these law-projects as the educational manuals.
The book also contains examples of gender expertise of legislation in force in Kyrgyz Republic.

3. Karasaeva A.H. "Discourse: Women and ways to overcome poverty. Microcrediting", Bishkek, 2000, pages 48
The work contains the description of complex techniques of education for adults - consistent combination of training and round table, united by term - discourse. The given discourse is dedicated to the poverty problem and reviews various approaches of poverty overcoming. It contains generalization of microcrediting experience in Kyrgyzstan and in some foreign countries.
The book is intended for state officials, political party and NGO leaders and also will be useful for all people interested in problem of poverty overcoming.

4. Karasaeva A.H. "Gender policy of state", session of trainings, Bishkek, 2000, pages 64
The work contains description of complex methodology of adults' education - the training. There presented the materials on education of basics of state gender policy in economy and education. The separate training is dedicated to the issues of gender sensibility increase and formation of state policy of involving the women in policy and public administration. The work contains examples from trainings on these themes that were held for high rank state officials in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
The book is intended for state officials, political party and NGO leaders and also will be useful for all people interested in gender policy..

5. Karasaeva A.H., Sydykova L.Ch., Malabaev B.N. "Woman in the mirror of state government ", Bishkek, 2000, pages - 152
The work shows the mechanisms of initiation of women in state government especially in its legislative branch on the basis of analysis of international documents and also analysis of Constitution of Kyrgyz Republic and Code "About elections in Kyrgyz Republic" .

6. Malabaeva B.N. "Gender aspects of universal suffrage ", the special course, Bishkek, 2000, pages 70

7. Niyazova А.N. "The health of woman and man. Medicinal right", manual, Bishkek, 2000, pages 47
The given manual reviews the peculiarities of legislative regulation of separate medical activities; legal relations between patient and patient care institution
The manual is intended for medical workers and jurists.

8. Majitov S.A. "Gender and world religions", special course, Bishkek, 2000, pages 48
The special course is dedicated to the study of world religions basic provisions role and their influence on formation of social roles of men and women, analysis of general and special issues in world religions views on role of women in society.
The given special course is intended for students, post-graduates and teaching stuff of universities.

9. Kurmanov Z.К. "Socio-cultural aspects of gender relations in Central Asia", (by example of Kyrgyzstan) Bishkek, 2000, pages 97
The given special course is dedicated to the study of social role status of women in Central Asia (by example of Kyrgyzstan), its historical forms and dynamics in the system of public perception and production.
The special course is intended for students, postgraduates and teaching stuff of universities.

10. Borubashev B.I. "International humanitarian law: gender and armed conflict ", special course, Bishkek, 2000, pages 104
The given special course is dedicated to the study of principles, norms and provisions of International humanitarian law in gender aspect
The special course is intended for students, postgraduates and teaching stuff of universities.

11. Usupov E.Т. Osaulenko S.A. "Ecologic perception of woman", special course, Bishkek, 2000, pages 89
The given special course is dedicated to the study of gender problems in spheres of ecology, ecologic perception and considers the role of women in provision of Sustainable development and their ecologic-legal status.
The special course is intended for students, postgraduates and teaching stuff of universities.

12. Bakieva G. "Mass communication and woman", special course, Bishkek, 2000, pages 99
Women's mass communication.
The given course reviews problems of mass communication in gender aspect, analyzes the status of mass media in Kyrgyzstan and coverage of women status in mass media. The special course gives the evaluation of mass media production by male and female population of the country.
The special courses pays great attention to the problem of communicative competency as the ability to percept and comprehend information that is circulating in the society. The book also suggests forms and methods of content analysis of mass media in gender and other aspects
The special course is intended for students, postgraduates teaching stuff of universities and for all those who are interested in problems of mass media and gender balance in society.

13. Karasaeva А., Sopuev D., Kusuta E., Bazarbaev V., Osmonov М. The strengthening of income-bringing activity of rural women of Kyrgyzstan (analysis of situation and recommendations), Bishkek, 1999, pages 85
The work contains data of original researches dedicated to study of economic status of women from separate villages of Kyrgyzstan. Macroeconomic processes are compared with economic opportunities of rural women at places.
The book is intended for a wide circle of readers.

14. Karasaeva А.H., Sydykova L.Ch. and others. Women of Kyrgyzstan after Beijing conference in 1995: Analysis of situation.
The review analyzes the condition of women in Kyrgyzstan after World conference in Beijing. The authors have worked out the conception of gender policy and strategy of activities until 2000.
For the broad circle of readers.

15. Karasaeva E.H., Sydykova L.Ch., Usupov-Abdyrazakov М.А., Niyazova А.N., Kuzuta E.I., Karasaev А., Musabekova М. The manual on microcrediting. Bishkek, 2000, pages 144
The manual reviews the urgent issues of income-bringing activities microcrediting of population's low-income classes basing on the experience of international institutions work on poverty problems. The book gives concrete and already tested recommendations on organization of income-bringing activity and it's financing in the form of starting microcredits. There suggested the strategy of microcrediting and tactics of credit portfolio management under real inflationary conditions of Kyrgyzstan. The book deeply covers legal issues of entrepreneurship, taxation and legal protection of business.
The manual is intended for starting entrepreneurs (especially for rural women), managers of microcrediting funds, employees of NGOs, heads of local governments, students of business schools, for teachers and students of economic universities and colleges and also for all unemployed people who wants to improve their family budget.

16. Karasaeva А.H., Niyazov А.N., Ergasheva М.Т. "Gender positions in economy", educational-methodic manual, Bishkek, 2001, pages 116
The manual reflected current gender stereotypes in the sphere of labor discrimination in official economy and non-governmental employment sector, problems of unrequited labor in household and communal production, gender aspects of unemployment, gender asymmetry in pension maintenance system. The manual also reflects recommendations of Beijing platform of activities and International Labor Organization recommendations on support of gender problems leveling in countries with transitional economy.
The book is intended for the teaching stuff and students of universities, employees of Ministry of Education, NGOs and also for readers interested in problems of gender discrimination in the sphere of labor and employment.

17. Karasaeva А.H., Golov А.G., Karasaev А.V. "The familiarity of the population of Kyrgyzstan with the sexual and reproductive rights", (brief information), Bishkek, 2001, pages 61
The familiarity of Kyrgyzstan population with the sexual and reproductive rights.
The work contains the results of the sociological researches on revealing the level of familiarity with the sexual and reproductive rights of the various population age-grades (15 - 65 years) of Kyrgyzstan.
The book is intended for the developers of the educational programs, specialists that deal with the matters of sexual and reproductive rights protection, family planning services and also for the wide range of readers.

18. The collection of articles "Mechanisms of reproductive and sexual rights implementation in Kyrgyzstan", Bishkek, 2001, pages - 237
The collection of articles considers the issues of reproductive and sexual rights people belonging to various age and social groups of population. It discusses the mechanisms of implementation and protection of these rights in conditions of Kyrgyzstan. There marked the role of crisis centers and help lines in protection of reproductive and sexual rights of women. The book gives information about development of human's reproductive and sexual rights from the point of view of Islam religion, cultural stereotypes of Kyrgyzstan nations and theory of population
The materials of the book are intended for developers of educational programs, specialists that are working with issues of reproductive rights protection in the sphere of population service rendering.

19. Karasaeva А.H. "The human rights for reproductive and sexual health in Kyrgyzstan ", discourse, Bishkek, 2001, pages 67
The collection contains the description of integrated techniques of education for adults - training and methodic of round table meeting conduction for development of suggestions and recommendations on given problem. Both techniques are complementary and are united by a term - discourse. For the first time in the discourse is given the materials of trainings in the form of pictures and schemes drawn by the participants of training.
The materials of round table are summarized in discussion of participants. The collection includes popular texts about human rights for sexual and reproductive health in simple statement.
The collection is intended for youth, students, state employees and people working in the sphere of medical care, education and in law machinery organs, who are working with legal aspects of sexual behavior, sexual and reproductive health.

20. Karasaeva А.H., Rodina Е.М. "The evaluation of effectiveness of use of natural land and water resources in countries of Aral sea basin ", KRSU bulletin, 2001, b.1 #3, 6p.

21. Karasaeva А.H., Niyazova A.N. Rodina Е.М., Smirnov U.N. "About project of Law of Kyrgyz Republic "About sustainable development of ecologic-economic system (EES) of Issyk-Kul", KRSU bulletin, 2001, b.1 #3, 7p.

22. Karasaeva А., Sarygulov B., Karasaev А. "Manual on propaganda of International conference on population and development (September 1994, Cairo) goals in Kyrgyzstan ", Bishkek, 2001, 110p.
The work contains summary materials of international conferences (Cairo, September 1994, Hague, June 1999) on population development: principles and priorities, strategies; statistical data on population of Kyrgyz Republic; plans of session trainings #1,#2 and also examples of training participants work - basic conceptions in illustrations. The manual includes development policies of population of Kyrgyz Republic in the light of decisions and recommendations of Cairo and Hague international forums.
The manual is developed by a collective of authors who are specialists in various spheres of science - Bulat Sarygulov c.e.s., specialist in management of population development, Altynai Karasaeva - d.m.s., specialist of international level on interactive methods of education and Askar Karasaev - manager of electronic mass media outlets.
The book is intended for the developers of educational programs, specialists who are working with issues of population and development.

23. Ivo Qused, Askar Karasaev "Why am bankrupt? Risk management in business" Educational-methodic manual: 2001,pages - 125.
Am I always the one to blame in case of own bankruptcy? How to avoid losses in entrepreneurship? How to implement legal protection of own business? Am I a business man? Can I manage people? The answers for these questions the reader can find in this book.
The book describes 16 cases of unsuccessful entrepreneurship and bankruptcy of Kyrgyz businessmen in the beginning of perestroika and analyzes the reasons for these failures. It gives concrete advices and recommendations how to avoid risky situations and problems in business, how to protect own rights and commercial interests from racketeers, swindlers and officials. This is the first book from the series of "Risk management in business".
The book is intended as the educational manual for the students of Law department. The book is useful for businessmen, employees of local government, NGOs and for all people who dared to start own business.

25. Duishonbaev А., Kustkov D. Umetaliev К. "Sexual and reproductive rights of teenagers in Kyrgyzstan", Sexual and reproductive rights of women in Kyrgyzstan", Sexual and reproductive rights of men in Kyrgyzstan", Popular texts. Brochures, Bishkek, 2001, pages 12.

Copyright © 2001-2002, Institute of
Equal Rights and Opportunities. Kyrgyzstan


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